If you are a man – or even a woman – who deals with hair loss in the United States, any hair loss doctor can tell you that you are far from alone. In fact, as many as thirty five million men in the United States alone are currently experiencing some level of hair loss, […]
Author: Healthy Eater
The First Six Years Of A Child’s Life Are The Most Crucial Creating A Solid Health Plan
Children’s health is more important than ever. Studies, surveys and tests are showing rather dismal findings these past few years. We have children that spend too much time in front of a screen and not enough time being around others. We have failing physical and mental health rates. It’s enough to have parents seeking out […]
Education Techniques and the Process of Giving Birth
Many people take a Lamaze class when they are expecting in order to understand the process of giving birth. One of the benefits of Lamaze is the interactive and visual teaching strategies that help new parents understand the process of giving birth in a way that is empowering and personal. The Educational Need In today’s […]
The Health and Lifestyle Benefits of Bicycling
As Americans, we know better than anyone the power of an automobile. Unfortunately, with more cars on the road than ever before, issues like traffic and congestion along with pollution are becoming issues that our society needs to solve as soon as possible before it’s too late. Luckily, there are nearly twice as many bikes […]
Heart Disease Is The Leading Cause Of Death In America Why You Should Get A Mobile Health Screening
Good health isn’t just about getting help when you’re feeling less than stellar. It’s about making sure you don’t get to that point in the first place. When you start getting older you begin to notice a lot of large and small issues with your health that’ll have you wondering…what should you do now to […]
Interesting Facts about Skin Care
In the modern world it can be hard to find the right way to take care of your body. Healthcare is expensive, jobs can be very busy and all of us have less and less time to make sure we take proper care of ourselves. Medical dermatology might not sound exciting but it, and other […]
How 3-D Mammography Can Help Women Battle Breast Cancer
A woman living in the U.S. has a one-in-eight lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer. The American Cancer Society estimates that more than 260,000 new cases will be diagnosed in U.S. women this year alone. Women who get regular physical activity have a 10 to 20 percent lower risk of breast cancer compared […]
Signs You Might Need to Head to an Eye Specialist
If you’re in class and you start to have a hard time reading what your professor writing on the board, you might need to head to an eye doctor. Not being able up close or from far away are two easy signs to know that you might be having issues with your eyesight. However, there […]
Surprising Reasons Your Child Is Sick
It’s no secret that children have less well-developed immune systems, which means that they can easily get sick. Studies estimate that the average child can catch between six and 10 cold every year. But where are they coming into contact with all of those germs? Here are some of the most popular places they might […]
Gynecological Appointments Are an Important Part of Womens Health Care
Why is it that we often tend to avoid the things that are good for us? Gynecologist appointments. Dentist Appointments. In fact, there are many things that are not always pleasant, but that are in everyone’s best interest. Whether you are looking for gynecologists Chicago because you have just moved ot you are reminding yourself […]