If you are a man – or even a woman – who deals with hair loss in the United States, any hair loss doctor can tell you that you are far from alone. In fact, as many as thirty five million men in the United States alone are currently experiencing some level of hair loss, from mild hair thinning to full on balding. Hair loss can be suffered by women as well, of which more than twenty one million women in the United States are afflicted by. Hair loss is a common condition, to be sure, but that does not mean that it can’t be a wholly disheartening one. Losing their hair is something that many people struggle with quite a great deal, and it can take a huge emotional toll on any given person who is struggling to cope with losing their hair, even if the hair loss is slow and happens gradually over time. In fact, more than forty five percent of those who have lost their hair or who are in the process of losing their hair and are becoming bald said that they would much rather spend their life savings to have a full head of hair again than to just let nature takes its course (as balding, in the vast majority of cases, is directly tied to the genetics of the person sustaining the balding). On top of this, more than half – sixty percent, to be more exact – of all balding people said that they would rather have a successful hair restoration procedure than maintain their friendships and have strong social bonds.
Fortunately, there are methods of hair restoration, from the preservation of hair follicles to hair transplant surgery, that can considerably reduce the effects of balding, and even begin to reverse it entirely. If you are someone that is concerned about the process of balding that might have even begun in full force on your own head, talking to a hair loss doctor is likely your next best course of action. This is because a hair loss doctor will know the ins and outs of hair loss and will best be able to assess the severity of your condition. Then, the hair loss doctor will better be able to decide which course of treatment is best for your particular case, as each person and each patient vary and must be treated by the hair loss doctor as strictly individual cases.
For instance, it is likely that your hair loss doctor will recommend a FUE hair transplant procedure. A FUE procedure has become particularly common, and has overtaken the original FUSS procedure for one that has a number of considerable benefits over it. For instance, a FUSS procedure involved cutting a large strip of skin from the back of the scalp, where hair was likely still growing in abundance, and reattaching it to the front of the head, where balding was becoming or had already become a prominent feature. While results showed that the FUSS procedure was mostly effective, there was a long recovery period and a relatively high risk of infection due to the size of the strip of skin that was removed. This skin removal also left a considerable scar behind, limiting the hair styles that the recipient of the FUSS procedure could wear. The FUE hair transplant procedure is much more likely to be recommended by your hair loss doctor. This is because the typical FUE hair transplant procedure involves extracting naturally occurring groups of hair – typically around three to four strands of hair but sometimes as many as eight – and transplanting them to the part of the head that is suffering the most from the process of balding. This procedure is ideal over the FUSS procedure, as any hair loss doctor can tell you, because there is a far less likelihood of developing an infection as well as much increased chance of having very natural results, a key factor for many of those who are in the process of deciding on a hair loss transplant procedure to undergo. Hair loss is a big deal, but it is often very treatable.