After a long day of work you rushed to your children, herding them into the car quickly you then rushed off to soccer practice and finally while they were on the field you got a whole twenty minuets of piece and quiet before that scream on the field echoed in your years. Being the star […]
Author: Healthy Eater
A Guide to Ear Nose and Throat Doctor Information
There are fundamental senses used by people to navigate their daily lives that include sight, hearing, and smell. However, what happens if you have issues smelling or hearing? What if you have a swelling throat that prevents you from properly breathing. Well, the role of an ear nose and throat doctor is vital in helping […]
4 Benefits of Receiving Regular STD Tests
It’s important to always remain protected while having sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, incidents happen in which one or more people aren’t wearing protection. After this happens, it’s important to receive STD testing. It’s advised to receive these tests after any instance of unprotected intercourse. Considering that, here are four smart reasons to receive STD tests. Protecting […]
5 Painful Situations Treated by Chiropractors
Chiropractic treatment remains popular throughout the United States. Statistics show that nearly 1 million adjustments are performed by chiropractors each day. That being said, it’s understandable to be unaware of how many conditions are treated by chiropractors. You might find that chiropractors regularly treat conditions you’re currently suffering from. Considering that, here are five situations […]
How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off
Here in the United States, the epidemic of obesity continues to be a widespread concern, as being overweight and even obese is prevalent among adults and children alike. In fact, only an estimated one third of the adult American population is at what is considered to be a healthy weight. Another one third of said […]
Stuff Dad Never Told You How to Maintain the Beard and Stache
About 40% of all guys in the U.S. have facial hair, but not all of them know how to maintain it. We’ve all seen the basement dweller who has the scraggly, overgrown neck beard. What makes him different from Ryan Reynolds (aside from having money, fame, and Blake Lively)? Facial hair maintenance. Here’s how you […]
How Powerlifting Can Improve Your Overall Health
Everyone knows that working out can help improve your both your fitness and overall health, but not everyone agrees on the best way to work out. Should you double down on cardio, build up your strength, or focus on your agility? Luckily, there’s one type of workout with plenty of health benefits, as well as […]
How to be Prepared for an Urgent Care Visit
You are awoken in the middle of the night by your sleepy daughter; she is complaining of severe stomach pain that is preventing her from sleeping. You and your family are enjoying a barbecue on a beautiful summer afternoon when you immediately recognize the sound of your son crying; he has fallen off of the […]
Assistive Devices Are Getting Better By The Day Why The Graft Delivery Service Is Becoming A New Standard
The medical field has come a long way. The bone graft delivery device is just one of many tools you can now use to make a complex process just a little easier. When searching for medical devices that can match your customer perfectly you can find yourself lost in a swarm of options with no […]
How Testing is Performed for 3 Types of STDs
An important part of having intercourse is being safe. Neglecting to do this increases your potential for developing STDs or sexually transmitted diseases. It’s smart to want to find out more about these diseases and how they’re transmitted. Another important aspect of avoiding the side effects of STDs is to receiving regular testing. In this […]