The human body works in a wide variety of mysterious ways. Unfortunately, it’s common to not think about health problems until they have already begun to affect your life. Considering that, it’s understandable to wonder where to receive treatment for certain medical conditions. Many people automatically assume that an emergency room will treat their needs. […]
Author: Healthy Eater
Urgent Care For Immediate and Pressing Issues
There are many things about sports that are important. There is agility, there is drive. There is toughness, there is strength. There is flexibility. There is passion. There are many things that are important about sports. But one of the most important is having a healthy body. This is where sports physicals come into play. […]
4 Problems That People With Hyperhidrosis Live With
Hyperhidrosis is the name of the condition given to people who sweat in an excessive manner. Statistics show that there are nearly 8 million Americans that live with this condition that causes them to sweat four to five times more than the average person. In addition, 30-50% of those living with hyperhidrosis have another family […]
When A Slipped Disc Or Hidden Tumor Is To Blame How To Diagnose The Source Of Your Chronic Pain
Where does chronic pain come from? This is a common question asked by those tired of waking up sore and stiff instead of refreshed. A frustrating remark made by people who can’t remember a time they didn’t struggle to do basic tasks because of burning, lancing or stabbing pains. It’s one thing to know what […]
What Is Skilled Nursing Care And How Can I Make Sure My Loved One Is Properly Looked After?
Your family means a lot to you. When you’re unable to care for them exclusively it can feel like a personal failing. Admitting you need assistance in providing your loved one with the care they need to live a high quality life is not a failure, but the first step toward ensuring they have a […]
Advantages of Going to the ER vs Your Own Doctor
According to current data, the U.S. needs about 52,000 more primary care physicians by 2025 to meet our healthcare needs. That is a staggering statistic and one that is not easily met. Often, family doctors are not available immediately and may be booked out for several weeks and even months. Several free walk in clinic […]
What Can Urgent Care Do?
If you have an urgent care center near your home, you may have wondered; what can urgent care do? How is urgent care different than just going to your primary care physician or heading to the emergency room? While there is some overlap, an urgent care fills a very specific need that went unfilled for […]
Finding Affordable, Reliable, and Convenient Care Is a Challenge for Some Families
If you have ever found yourself looking for a health clinic for children you understand the challenge of making sure that you understand not only the hours of when a place is open, but whether or not they accept your insurance. And while you may not stop to consider these decisions in a medical emergency, […]
Taking Stock of Your Positive Contributions Can Help You Face a Challenging Work Environment
You have not always been the kind of persona who is good at finding your own strengths. You have nor, for instance, not always taken the time to evaluate yourself after a job interview or a performance review. As a result, you often rely on other people telling you what went well on a project […]
Why The Infusion Pump Market Is Going To Hit $5,000 Million By 2024
American healthcare is balancing on an uneasy precipice. Technology provides one of the most reliable measuring sticks for the future. The purpose of an IV is to introduce fluids into the body as quickly and efficiently as possible. How can this be done during a particularly busy day or with patients that require highly specific […]