ADHD stands for attention deficit hyperactive disorder and this is an evolution ADD, which stands for attention deficit disorder. While there are some who believe this is not a big deal and should not be treated a legitimate condition, there are real effects that come along with having ADD and/or ADHD. One of the serious […]
Author: Healthy Eater
Do You Need An Urgent Medical Care Center?
What Urgent Medical Care Centers Can Do For You If you are someone (or know someone) who is in need of urgent medical care, consider the benefits of visiting an urgent care clinic as soon as possible. Keep in mind that when it comes to urgent medical care, the priority is that an individual can […]
The Perks of Joining a DOT Drug and Alcohol Test Consortium
It’s not surprising that truck drivers are under high pressure — they’re expected to deliver their merchandise quickly and on time to meet quota, deadlines, and promises made to consumers, barring bad traffic, weather, or other circumstances. This kind of stress can sometimes lead to drug or alcohol abuse, which in turn, makes it dangerous […]
Menopausal, Hormone Therapy, and Everything In Between
On average, menopause occurs around age 51. This is a difficult health process for someone to go through. It is not only emotionally straining but it can be straining on this person’s relationships as well. More often than not, it makes people act erratically as they deal with a serious imbalance of hormones. Menopause before […]
How Urgent Care Locations Provide Accessible Health Care
For those without health insurance, looking up urgent care locations near you is probably the best way to get fast and thorough medical care, and is a viable alternative to the emergency room. The emergency room can often have a wait time of up to an hour, while most urgent care locations (more than half) […]
A Cancer Diagnosis Can be a Very Scary Time
A cancer diagnosis is one of the scariest announcements that you can ever hear. From the second that you hear the news, in fact, it can sometimes be difficult to know what to do. It can be difficult to know what questions to ask. Difficult to find the courage and the strength to follow through […]
When Do You Require an Acute Psychiatric Stay
People all around the world are dealing with mental issues on a daily basis. People often feel alone while dealing with mental issues, and this stems from a lack of public education on the subject. Mental disorders just so happen to be a common occurrence among all ages: 350 million people are affected by some […]
The Importance Of Patient Lifts
Over the past decade, technology has absolutely exploded and expanded in ways that many people did not predict possible. As a result, technology has allowed for other fields to flourish. This has allowed for the creation of helpful assistive devices that help aid the people who need help. Approximately 53 million Americans live with a […]
Health Club Software Systems Track Both Payments and Attendance
Are you counting down the days until swimsuit season? Are you working on looking your best before this summer’s high school reunion? If you are preparing for an upcoming season or event you are likely doing everything in your power to look your best. For most of us, looking our best is a combination of […]
The Signs of Emotional Exhaustion
Very few people are able to properly identify the signs of emotional exhaustion. As a result, these signs of emotional exhaustion will compound and build to the point where they more than likely absolutely overwhelm the person suffering from stress burnout and job burnout. Here are some of the important facts that surround going through […]