Author: Healthy Eater

Drug screening, Drug test, Rapid drug screen

The Perks of Joining a DOT Drug and Alcohol Test Consortium

It’s not surprising that truck drivers are under high pressure — they’re expected to deliver their merchandise quickly and on time to meet quota, deadlines, and promises made to consumers, barring bad traffic, weather, or other circumstances. This kind of stress can sometimes lead to drug or alcohol abuse, which in turn, makes it dangerous […]

Estrogen supplements frankfort ky, Hormone replacement therapy, Peri menopausal symptom relief

Menopausal, Hormone Therapy, and Everything In Between

On average, menopause occurs around age 51. This is a difficult health process for someone to go through. It is not only emotionally straining but it can be straining on this person’s relationships as well. More often than not, it makes people act erratically as they deal with a serious imbalance of hormones. Menopause before […]

Breast cancer care, Proton radiation therapy huntsville al, Proton therapy for head and neck cancer spartanbur

A Cancer Diagnosis Can be a Very Scary Time

A cancer diagnosis is one of the scariest announcements that you can ever hear. From the second that you hear the news, in fact, it can sometimes be difficult to know what to do. It can be difficult to know what questions to ask. Difficult to find the courage and the strength to follow through […]

Burnout symptoms and recovery, Job burnout, Recovery from severe burnout

The Signs of Emotional Exhaustion

Very few people are able to properly identify the signs of emotional exhaustion. As a result, these signs of emotional exhaustion will compound and build to the point where they more than likely absolutely overwhelm the person suffering from stress burnout and job burnout. Here are some of the important facts that surround going through […]