American healthcare is balancing on an uneasy precipice. Technology provides one of the most reliable measuring sticks for the future.
The purpose of an IV is to introduce fluids into the body as quickly and efficiently as possible. How can this be done during a particularly busy day or with patients that require highly specific information in a short span of time? The Alaris smart pump is an infusion pump that provides more convenience for nurses and a far better hospital experience for patients. It’s able to record information, provide multiple types of fluid and even reduce the margin for human error.
The United States is seeing a spike in demand for quality hospital equipment. IV pumps, in particular, are a staple found in hospitals and clinics and the need for fast, efficient and accurate infusion data has only increased. A recent report provided by the American Society Of Health-System Pharmacists revealed over 73% of American hospitals were using smart infusion pumps in 2013. Compare this to 2007, where that number was just under 45%. What does this mean for healthcare options going forward and how can your clinic take advantage of this growing technology?
Infusion pumps are many things, but they are certainly not new. They’ve been in active use since the late 1960’s and have only grown in popularity as they reduce human error and keep patients healthy. The two basic classes of infusion pumps are large volume pumps (large enough to feed a patient) and small volume pumps (infusing more specialized liquids such as hormones or medication). One of their biggest sources of appeal is their more hands-off approach to delivering fluids and monitoring a patient’s progress. Nurses don’t have to input quite as many manual commands as they would more typical hospital equipment.
A hospital setting can’t afford to skimp out on quality equipment. Even a minor system failure can put a patient in a bad spot. The average hospital these days will either rent or own over 35,000 SKUs of equipment at any one time, with infusion pumps starting to lead the pack in terms of desirability. According to the Material Services (also known as MS), the department at the University Of Michigan Health Systems saw over 85% of patients admitted to hospital beds requiring an infusion pump. Statistics have shown over 10,000 people will reach retirement age of 65 every day.
The function of an Alaris smart pump is only going to be more appreciated from here. Doctors, nurses and manufacturers have been actively recording the rate of hospital equipment rentals over the year and have exposed some stunning statistics concerning Alaris pumps. The global infusion pumps market will be valued at an astonishing $5,000 million by 2024 — that means any hospital or clinical setting that wants to keep up with growing demand needs to install a series of smart pumps throughout the building. This includes a variety of large volume and small volume.
The two ways to regulate both the amount and rate of fluids through an IV are manually or through an electric pump. While some cases will always require oversight by a nurse, smart pumps provide nurses with much-needed flexibility and accuracy during a busy shift. The most common IV fluid now is saline (measured at 0.9% sodium chloride) and intravenous therapy is still considered the fastest way to deliver any sort of fluid or medication. When considering which medical equipment rental to prioritize for the new year, reach out to an Alaris smart pump distributor and see how you can stay ahead of the pack.