Body shaming is finally in the spotlight and people are finding acceptance based on who they are instead of what they look like. There is one glaring problem with this great advance: obesity is still unhealthy, no matter how you look at it. One or more of the top weight loss programs may help lead you to live longer!
According to The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), obesity is based on your Body Mass Index (BMI), which is your weight divided by your height. A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is in the normal range, 25.0 to 29.9 is considered overweight, and 30.0 or higher falls within the obese range. Why does this matter, as long as you feel good about yourself?
Because obesity is deadly.
Obesity can cause or contribute to all of the most deadly diseases: stroke, heart disease, some types of cancer, and diabetes.
If your BMI falls into the overweight or obese range, you?re not alone: unlike the skinny models and actors you see on TV and in the movies, around two-thirds of U.S. adults are obese or overweight.
How does that affect your health? Well, by reaching a healthy weight goal, you can lower and help control your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. All of these achievements will not just make you look and feel better, they give you a greater chance of living a longer, healthier life!
Before you rush to join one of the top weight loss programs, it?s important that you first schedule a visit to your family practice doctor to talk about medical weight control and other possible problems that may be contributing to your obesity, such as depression or anxiety.
Don?t brush off the idea; over 80 percent of people who are depressed don?t seek medical help, and anxiety disorders affect 40 million adults in the U.S., making anxiety the most common mental illness in the country. That?s why it?s important that you discuss your state of mind at your doctor weight loss appointment. She can give you a full physical as well, to rule out other medical issues, such as an underactive thyroid, before putting you on a weight loss system or referring you to list of top weight loss programs in your area.
Remember, weight loss isn?t all about looking good, because it?s what?s inside that counts. The most important reason to lose weight is to fight disease, and give yourself a longer, healthier life!