Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a big problem for a lot of people. The problem of substance abuse is very costly as well. In Canada, it has cost the health care system about $8 billion. At least 47,000 Canadians die every year as a result of their substance abuse. If someone you care about is suffering from addiction you understand how hard it can be to get them the help they need. Here are five signs that they need help from one of the professional drug rehab centers.
Is there a history of outpatient treatment? Some people do very well the first time they get help at one of the drug treatment centers. Many do not. If you or someone you know has attempted to get help before and it has not worked, that might be a signal that they need more intensive inpatient rehab. It is far easier for people to not listen to what they hear in outpatient rehab than inpatient. Frequently, people can go to outpatient therapy sessions but either ignore what they hear there or listen but when they return to their own environment, they go back to their old habits.
What is the level of commitment to recovery? Some people do not think they really have a problem so they attend sessions as an outpatient to make their friends and family happy. Because they do not see or understand their problem, they do not really recover from it. Spending time in inpatient drug rehab centers makes it harder for these people to avoid dealing with their real issues and makes them focus on their addiction. Some people are very good actors and may look like they really are committed to their recovery but when they leave, they go right back to their old habits. Being in an inpatient facility makes that impossible, at least for the duration of their treatment.
What is the living environment like? People who are in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction need a safe and clean place to live. If there are either, drugs or alcohol, around, getting better will be much harder. They need to be surrounded by supportive people and thoughts. This can be provided in inpatient drug rehab centers. If there is an issue with the person’s home life, steps should be taken to change it before entering a rehab centre or at least before the person goes home.
Is there a mental health component? People who suffer from substance abuse are about three times more likely to have a mental health issue than other people. Inpatient drug treatment centers can provide care to dually diagnosed people better than outpatient facilities. Studies show people with any kind of mental health issues do better in inpatient rehab centres. Many people have never received any kind of treatment for their mental health issues before admission to an inpatient facility. This can make a world of difference for them and this secondary treatment may make all the difference in the outcome they achieve.
Is there a physical illness component? Addiction can be very hard on a person?s body and result in a variety of physical illnesses. These can be managed more effectively in inpatient drug treatment centers that in other programs. Pain and other issues that often accompany physical illnesses can complicate the alcohol or drug rehabilitation process. Inpatient drug rehab centers have the medical staff to help people through the process better than outpatient facilities.
Dealing with alcohol and drug addiction is hard but recovery is possible. It is crucial that this be treated like the serious illness that it is. By finding and accepting the appropriate medical help, people can recover from addiction. If you suspect someone you care about or that you yourself suffer from serious addiction, it is imperative that you receive the treatment you need.