The American population is rapidly aging. Because of this, assisting living facilities are rapidly rising to the forefront as a necessary resource to attend to those who need assistance with medical care, community support and day-to-day resources. Nurse homes have been around for centuries, designed from the start to be as accommodating and useful as possible to a wide variety of populations.
What Is An Assisted Living Facility?
Assisting living facilities are more than just a medical center — they’re a way of life. Assisted living is a philosophy revolving around care and services promoting independence and dignity for elderly, disabled and chronically ill populations. Assistance may include either the administration or supervision of necessary medication as well as personal care services provided by around-the-clock trained support and staff.
How Many People Need Assisting Living Facilities?
The United States is seeing a significant uptick in populations that require the aid of an assisted living program. Approximately 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65 every day and will do so until the year 2030 or so, according to recent surveys. Assisted living facilities are designed to make aging or chronic illness as comfortable as possible.
What Do Assisting Living Facilities Offer?
While common misconceptions abound concerning assisted living providers and drab, lifeless community centers, it couldn’t be further from the truth. A typical assisted living facility resident is often a senior citizen who doesn’t necessarily need the level of care offered by a nursing home, but could still use some assistance in day-to-day living as well as additional companionship with others in similar positions. Senior facilities are packed to the brim with social and financial resources — these include, but are not limited to, wi-fi, storage space, pet-care facilities and various social activities.
Do Assisting Living Facilities Help With Mental Wellness?
The shortest answer? Yes! The long answer is that the average affordable senior living community will have a wide variety of emotional and mental activities to choose from, allowing residents to connect with others and remain invested all days of the week. Many senior facilities will offer regular access to activities such as yoga, pottery, painting, concerts, computer classes, Zumba, book reading and more.
What Other Resources Do Assisted Living Facilities Provide?
From personal assistance to support services to a more independent community environment, there’s something for everybody with supportive living. Assisted living residences are aimed at helping its residents remain as self-sufficient as possible while supplementing areas where they need help or support. Many community centers offer kitchens in each department for cooking while also serving restaurant style meals in a communal dining area.
What Does The Future Hold For Assisted Livings?
The United States is changing significantly. Ongoing studies have been conducted to assess the rate at which the population will age and, subsequently, require the aid of assisted living facilities. The average life expectancy for people turning 65 years-old is an additional 20 for women and 17 for men — according to a 2012 report by the health care market research facility Kalorama Information, revenues for the senior long-term care industry have grown by more than 30%. Thanks to assisted living, life is looking very, very good.