There is no known cause for eczema at the moment but there can be many triggers. Eczema usually presents itself as a skin disease in which various areas or patches of the skin will become rough or scaly, raised and red. Sometimes blisters can arise and as the condition worsens, the area can scab up and get thicker and more pigmented. If you suspect that your infant might have eczema, you should visit your family practice physicians for a prescription of topical cortizone cream or something similar. Your family doctor will likely tell you that eczema can refer to the type of rashes that are also called atopic dermatitis. This basically seems a skin condition which is inherited or contracted through an allergy. If the problem is brought on by m allergy, a detox doctor may be able to help you narrow down what the allergy stemmed from.
In infants, you typically see this developing between two and six months of age.
Here are some signs that your baby might have eczema.
- They have developed a rash, typically on the face and scalp but could be anywhere on the body.
- The rash is bubbled up and possibly has oozing fluid or crusting.
- The rash is intensely red and itchy.
Now, not all babies experience all three symptoms so if you haven’t seen some of these things, don’t write it off, you’ll see what to contact your detox doctor and make sure that there isn’t something in your home that is causing these rashes.
Here are the signs of eczema in children aged two years old and older.
- Rash will usually show up behind the elbows or the knees. Neck, wrists, ankles and legs are not uncommon as well.
- The rash is itchy.
- The rash can look like goose bumps.
- The rashes could vary in color as the child gets older. They usually get darker.
- Rashes can turn into knots that seem permanent.
Again, you only need to experience a few of the symptoms in order to be a candidate for eczema.
Here are some of the symptoms that you might see on an adult.
- Rashes on eyelids, face and neck.
- The rash can cover the entire body or at least larger areas of the body.
- The skin will become drier and itchier.
- The scaly skin will increase more than in children.
- The eczema could lead to various other skin infections.
Some people outgrow eczema as they get older but some are never able to outgrow it and can still suffer from it every now and again, if the environmental elements calls for it. Eczema can come and go. It isn’t always a constant thing.
What causes Eczema?
If either parent or both parents have eczema then there is a good chance the child is going to suffer from it also. There are some environmental factors that can make a difference as well according to detox doctors. Here are a few possible triggers.
- Any kind of soap, laundry detergent, cosmetics, shampoos, conditioners, perfumes, cleaners, juices, meats or vegetables can cause eczema. If the eczema is particularly around the mouth in women, it could be from steroid creams or ointments.
- The things that regularly cause allergies could also cause eczema such as dust, pets, pollen, mold, etc.
- Certain fungi, virus and bacteria can also be a trigger.
- Severe changes in body temperature are a big one. The level of humidity could also be a contributing factor. Excessive sweating after exercise is enough to cause a rash.
- Stress is thought to be one of the factors in eczema.
- Any kind of hormonal changes could also contribute to eczema.
So how do you get rid of it?
Various detox doctors will try to find out the cause of the allergy and advise you to stay away from the allergy. However, there are some other home remedies that you might be able to try that couldn’t hurt.
- Coconut oil – several times a day.
- Tea tree oil – two to three times a day
- Tea tree oil bath – no more than twice a day.
- Olive oil and sugar – apply for three or four hours, once a day.
- Olive oil and cabbage – apply for three or four hours, once every day or two.
- Apple cider vinegar – twice a day.
- Calamine lotion – as needed.
- Essential oils – lavender, chamomile, calendula, rosehip; several times a day.