Our appearances are everything. People exfoliate their faces to keep them glowing, jog twice per week to tone their legs and eat as healthy as they can to maintain their ideal figure. When an exercise regimen and diet change doesn’t seem to be enough, plastic surgery is often chosen for its unique ability to transform a person’s appearance into what they’ve always wanted. There are some misconceptions and concerns about the eyelid surgery or liposuction, however, and it’s rather common for people to second-guess whether or not a Botox procedure will be right for them. Before you look up a plastic surgeon in your area, consider reading below and learning a little more about how plastic surgery works.
Plastic Surgery Around The Country
Plastic surgery is incredibly popular and it’s not hard to see why. It’s a safe, quick and highly effective way of tackling areas of your body you’re unhappy with, allowing you control over what you previously thought was impossible to change. According to ongoing procedural statistics on yearly plastic surgery, there were well over 15 million surgical and minimally invasive cosmetic procedures done in the United States back in 2015 — this was a 2% increase over 2014 and projections are looking quite positive for the future.
Most Popular Forms Of Plastic Surgery
What do people usually go for when they meet with a plastic surgeon? According to studies analyzing the nearly two million cosmetic surgical procedures done in 2015, the top two were breast augmentation (at nearly 280,000 procedures) followed by liposuction (at 222,000 procedures). Eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty and nose jobs are also conducted at plastic surgery clinics. More and more surgeons are also seeing a significant rise in patients asking to get their cheekbones back in shape, so never feel like your individual needs are too rare to be met. There’s a technique, method and budget for everyone!
Plastic Surgery And Gender
Worried plastic surgery might be out of your range? Consider all the different kinds of people who seek out this common medical procedure. The top five surgical procedures for adult women in 2015 were, in the following order, liposuction, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, breast lift and eyelid surgery. Contrary to popular belief, men also seek out plastic surgery — the same year saw non-surgical skin tightening jumping from the 9th to the 7th most popular procedure in the non-surgical category, securing the 5th most popular spot among adult men.
What To Expect When Seeking Out A Procedure
While every session is going to be different depending on the procedure and the individual’s past experience with plastic surgery, there are a few things you should expect when going in to see a surgeon. Breast reduction surgery usually takes between two to three hours, with the price fluctuating depending on your personal factors and any additional health issues — expect a price tag of around $6,000, which could be covered by your health insurance. A good candidate for liposuction should also be within 30% of the body weight you’re aiming for.
Seeing A Plastic Surgeon
Plastic surgery comes in a wide variety of methods and options to better serve the unique needs of potential clientele. Should you be interested in eyelid surgery or a tummy tuck, consider meeting with a plastic surgeon and getting an evaluation — everything from your hereditary health to current status will be analyzed to ensure you receive the safest, most accurate treatment method possible. Remember to completely follow through with recovery after surgery to ensure you don’t have to book another visit to get rid of scars or stretch marks. Plastic surgery may not be for everyone, but it very well could be for you!