There are times when you just can’t put off going to the doctor anymore. It may be because of that nagging issue that you’ve been wanting to get checked out; it could be because that cough just hasn’t gone away; or it could be because you cut yourself and need stitches. There are a variety of reasons why you might need medical care — and sometimes, your primary care physician isn’t the right person to give you that care. For one thing, primary care physicians usually work through appointments. They aren’t the doctors you see for a quick check or an emergency. For another thing, an appointment given by a primary care physician can end up being quite expensive, depending on your insurance provider. An urgent care center may be a better option for you if you want to be seen quickly and inexpensively. But at the same time, there are certain injuries and issues that require the expertise and equipment of emergency room doctors. But why you should you have to choose between the two? The best urgent care centers sometimes are linked to emergency rooms, which means that you can visit one or the other — and if necessary, be transferred from one to the other. Below, we’ll look into the advantages of visiting an urgent care center that is connected to an emergency room, and why this option may be the best one for you.
The Emergency Room Versus An Urgent Care Center
We don’t want to diminish the qualities of urgent care clinics or emergency rooms — the point here is, “why not have both?” But the fact is that there are some differences between the two, which is why it’s so convenient when they’re combined. An urgent care center offers great medical care that prioritizes you being seen as quickly as possible. This is why it can be referred to as “skip the wait urgent care”. According to the American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine, the average patient per hour ratio for urgent care doctors is 4.5 patients per hour. Of course, this will vary depending on the severity of the patients’ medical issues. Typically, an urgent care center will have about seven patient exam rooms, and 97% operate seven days per week, with 99% open at least four hours per day. There you can run into an issue. While you can always count on someone to be manning the emergency room, even the best urgent care centers can’t be open all the time, unless they’re particularly designated urgent care clinics with special hours. An emergency room also will always have a doctor on hand — urgent care clinics usually do, but not always — and is equipped to handle more severe injuries and illnesses. Of course, an urgent care center will transfer those who need more intense treatments — but isn’t better to have an emergency room nearby to make that process easier?
What Sort Of Conditions Can An Urgent Care Center Treat?
The best urgent care services available usually apply to a wide range of issues. Many people visit urgent care clinics in order to have minor burns and cuts treated. Most urgent care clinics are also equipped to stitch up non-life threatening wounds. People also find that urgent care clinics often offer fracture care. While some fractures do require more invasive treatments such as surgery, many don’t and can be handled at an urgent care clinics. Urgent care can also apply to things as simple as regular vaccinations, and urgent care patients can receive prescriptions for medications.
Can I Trust An Urgent Care Clinic?
Despite the many advantages offered by the best urgent care centers, some people still don’t choose them because they’re worried that the care will somehow be lesser. Don’t worry — what you’re being offered at an urgent care center is great care, given by qualified medical professionals. Those working at an urgent care center are no less qualified than by their equals in a hospital setting — so don’t worry!