Over the past decade, technology has absolutely exploded and expanded in ways that many people did not predict possible. As a result, technology has allowed for other fields to flourish. This has allowed for the creation of helpful assistive devices that help aid the people who need help.
Approximately 53 million Americans live with a disability, and according to a recent study, the most common disability is associated with limited mobility. This is why the creation and utilization of chair lifts for seniors, curved stairways, handicap ramps, and portable patient lifts all matter. Assistive devices like portable patient lifts allow for people to have mobility despite having a physical disability.
There are nearly 6.8 Americans that use assistive devices each day to aid their mobility. These types of devices can be huge in size, such as portable patient lifts, or they can be small like a cane. No matter the size, all of these items help these people move and live their lives to the fullest.
Almost 50% of all falls will take place inside of a home. This is incredibly dangerous for older citizens that live by themselves because their physical disability will then prevent them from reaching a phone to call for help. It is essential that older citizens and people with physical disabilities have access to helpful devices, like portable patient lifts.
Every year, over two million senior citizens visit the emergency room for injuries caused by a fall. This is because these falls can be incredibly serious as people grow older in age. Old age means that people have a hard time keeping a strong body and falls will be much more dangerous.
Experts have projected that almost 20% of all of the United States population will be made up of senior citizens by the year of 2030. This statistic points to the idea that there will be more and more people using portable patient lifts to help them get around.
Furthermore, these devices may be needed in special areas like the bathroom. This is an area where people are susceptible to serious injuries. As a matter of fact, the Center for Disease and Control has revealed that every year almost 235,000 people have experienced injuries in the bathroom.
According to HomeAdvisor’s 2016 Aging in Place Report, 48% of homeowners over age 55 say the bathroom is the top area in the home that they have considered modifying for aging in place. According to HomeAdvisor’s 2016 Aging in Place Report, home service professionals say the top aging-in-place projects they’ve been hired to do include installing grab bars, at nearly 71% and adding entryway wheelchair ramps, at 54%.
In Conclusion
Every single year there are people that need to have mobility ramps and medical lift recliners implemented in their home. These types of assistive devices should absolutely be devoid of shame because they are all designed and utilized to help people live their lives to the fullest that they can.