If you’re looking for comprehensive medical care that works for your schedule (even if it might be a particularly busy one) consider a doctors urgent care center. At such a doctors urgent care clinic, you will be able to see highly qualified doctors for a whole slew of medical concerns. After all, doctors urgent care centers have become more prominent than ever before. With now well over 7,000 doctors urgent care locations found throughout the country, up to 20,000 doctors and other such medical professionals are now employed all throughout.
And more and more people are attending such walk in clinics. As a matter of fact, up to three million people will visit at least one doctors urgent care clinic over the course of a single week. This means that more than one quarter of the population of the United States will have visited at least one medical walk in clinic for medical help over the course of the last two years. And in the years that are ahead of us, these numbers are only likely to continue to increase. And there are certainly many benefits to getting doctors urgent care clinic care.
For one thing, a doctors urgent care clinic is going to be highly accessible – and not just due to the fact that so many medical clinics are available so readily and all throughout the country. In addition to this, it is hugely important to note that urgent care locations are open almost all days of the week. As a matter of fact, the vast majority (up to 85%, to be just a bit more specific) of all urgent care locations throughout this one country alone are open each and every day of the week. In addition to this, it has been found that many a doctors urgent care center is open earlier in the morning and later into the evening than the traditional family doctor’s office or general care practitioner’s office would be. Of course, this makes the typical urgent care center a viable alternative to the local emergency room. After all, you can expect a waiting period of at least an hour when you go to the local ER. In an urgent care center, on the other hand, you are not likely to wait for more than a half of an hour – and sometimes even just for a maximum period of 15 minutes or so.
And the care that can typically be provided in your average medical walk in clinic is certainly quite impressive as well. As a matter of fact, even care for fractures can be given in up to 80% of all urgent care locations, from walk in clinics to doctors urgent care centers. It is therefore easy to understand, perhaps, just why up to 97% of all cases seen in the typical urgent care center will be able to be fully treated there as well. After all, a truly scant 3% of all urgent care cases will ever need to be transferred to the nearest emergency room. On the other hand, up to 65% of all cases seen in the local emergency room could have instead been treated with ease in a local urgent care center, something that would have likely saved the people in question a great deal of time and money alike.
Of course, more common complaints can be easily addressed at the average doctors urgent care center as well. For one thing, ankle sprains are seen quite frequently at urgent care centers all throughout the country. At the end of any given day here in the United States, it is more likely than not that up to 25,000 sprained ankles have been sustained. And while sprained ankles can certainly be minor in nature, many are also much more serious indeed. Therefore, it is far from uncommon for a trip to the local urgent care center to be necessary, if even just to get it assessed and it make sure that there is not a much more serious issue at hand. After all, at the end of the day it is far better to be safe than to be sorry, as the saying goes.