Picture yourself out at your favorite restaurant. Maybe you’re celebrating something, but you’re enjoying great food and good company.
But sometime after dinner, that great night takes a turn. You feel the burning sensation in your chest. You have trouble swallowing. You get the hiccups and burps and maybe even a little regurgitation.
You’ve been hit with Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also known as acid reflux.
It’s estimated that GERD effects up to 1 in 5 adult American men and women. There are many over-the-counter medications you can get to relief symptoms of acid reflux, but if you’re looking for natural treatment for GERD, there are also plenty of options too. Keep in mind that several of these can be used for heartburn symptoms as well.
- Chew gum: An easy way to gain natural GERD relief is to chew gum after a meal. Chewing gum stimulates your salivary glands and helps produce saliva. When saliva is produced, it helps wash away any acid in your esophagus.
- Grab some fruit: Another good way to cure yourself of GERD or prevent a GERD flare-up is to grab some fruit like an apple or banana. These have natural antacid properties that counter the effects of acid reflux and heartburn symptoms and will save you from downing a handful of Tums.
- Don’t overeat: If you’ve got a big appetite, you might want to pace yourself when it comes time to eat. Even if you’re starving, you’ll want to take it easy. Large meals can make an acid reflux problem worse and your lower esophageal sphincter, the muscle that opens when you swallow, vomit or burp has a hard time staying closed and keeping out acid. As if that wasn’t enough of a reason, certain foods can trigger heartburn symptoms and too much of those foods will leave you feeling uncomfortable after a meal.
- Don’t lie down: If you’re feeling full or uncomfortable after a meal, it’s very tempting to lie down and rest. When you lie down, the contents of your stomach (think: the meal you just ate) can be pushed back up and cause GERD. When you’re upright, gravity helps you keep food down and helps alleviate heartburn symptoms as well. If you’ve got your mind absolutely set on lying down, make sure your head is elevated to make sure food doesn’t come back up.
- Mustard: You may crinkle your nose at this one, but mustard can be an incredible source of natural GERD relief and for heartburn symptoms. It’s full of vinegar and the alkaline in it neutralizes the acid that comes back up when you have acid reflux issues.
- Drink some tea: If you’re looking for natural GERD relief, you might often drink milk for relief. Milk might work as a temporary option, but tea is much better for GERD relief.
Ginger tea is one option because it acts as a cure for GERD and can also help you relieve other common stomach aliments. Drinking ginger tea before a meal can give you a good head start to stopping GERD and potential heartburn symptoms.
Another option is chamomile tea. Chamomile works great because it helps balance the level of acidity in your stomach and also helps reduce any stress you have. If you want a comfortable night’s sleep, try drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bedtime. - Baking soda: Baking soda is one of the those items you can use for just about anything. GERD relief and curing heartburn symptoms are included on that long list of uses. You can drink baking soda and water as another option for neutralizing the acid in your stomach and taking away the burn if something does happen.
It’s estimated that more than 40% of American experience heartburn symptoms at least once a month and it’s a safe bet the number is just that high for acid reflex. If you’re wondering how can you treat heartburn or how to get relief from GERD, using some of the above natural remedies can help. Rather than suffering through discomfort, having tea, chewing gum or drinking baking soda can make a world of difference, especially if you’re eating certain foods that trigger GERD and heartburn.