If you have back pain, you might have decided to accept the condition a while ago. Getting a back pain exam is still important, since you could have a medical issue that’s actually progressively getting worse for you. Patients like you might be able to live with the level of back pain that they currently have. Your future back problems could be much more damaging, however. They could have a much more severe impact on your daily life. Preventing a future lower back problem could be the most important thing that you could do at this stage.

You might have started to find yourself missing work due to back pain. If that’s true, that means that your back pain is already demonstrably interfering with your daily life and your career. Accepting this situation as a normal one can also mean accepting lateness and other potential consequential problems. Your future lower back problems could also make it harder for you to work.
There are people who have had to completely change jobs because their backs were bothering them too much when they were at their workplaces. Stopping that situation can help you save your career, and it requires some planning and prevention.
The human skeleton is a product of evolution designed for a lifetime of walking upright on two legs, which sets humanity apart from any other animal. Our early primate ancestors gave up their tree-bound vegetarian lifestyle for running and hunting game, and this led to an upright posture ideal for running long distances to wear out game animals. As a result, the modern human skeleton features an S-shaped spine, an upright pelvis, long and hard leg bones, and arched feet. This gives humanity many advantages, although standing upright and fighting gravity like this does take its toll over time. Many millions of people suffer from back pain and spinal distress, and they’re going to need rehab tools and systems to get better. Fortunately, only the most serious cases of back pain call for invasive surgery, while most cases require physical therapy instead. Therapists can use muscle testing machines, algometers, and other rehab tools, and a chiropractor can be very helpful, too.
Why Back Pain Happens
How often do Americans suffer from back pain, and what can be done about it? Many studies and surveys are done every year to track public health, and that certainly includes back pain and spine problems. It is believed that at any given time, around 31 million Americans are dealing with chronic back pain at any given time, and this pain may affect one in three women and one in four men to some degree or other. Also, statistics say that 50% of all working class Americans suffer from back pain symptoms every year, and around 80% of the population will experience back pain at some point in their lives.
What is causing all of this back pain? A person may get back pain or spinal distress after they have experienced a sports injury or a car accident, for example, and many surveyed Americans blame ongoing stress for their lower back issues. Also, years of hard manual labor (such as working in construction) can put wear and tear on the back muscles and spine, which may very well lead to back pain later in life. Another cause of back pain is simple old age, since a lifetime of walking upright means fighting gravity acutely, and this will cause the spine to eventually collapse on itself and bend forwards. This will strain the back muscles, inflame the joints and reduce flexibility, and pinch nerves, all of which may cause back pain for the elderly. But if a case is not serious enough for surgery, then a back pain victim can have muscle testing machines used on them, or perhaps chiropractic adjusting tools for recovery.
Using Muscle Testing Machine and Rehab Tools
If a patient in a hospital had suffered physical trauma and needs therapy, then they may have a variety of handheld, non invasive devices used on them, such as muscle testing machines. A muscle testing machine may use physical force on a joint or particular muscle, and test the body’s reaction and see how much resistance it can put up. The readings can measure muscle strength and pain thresholds, useful references for the patient’s recovery. On top of that, the patient may perform exercises and stretches to increase their mobility and flexibility, and regain their strength and coordination. Motion capture cameras can record the patient’s movements precisely, and the therapists can study the data on their computers to accurately gauge the patient’s progress.
A patient can get help even if they aren’t in the hospital and surrounded by therapists. Anyone suffering from back pain can visit their doctor and explain their problem, and in fact, back pain ranks second among all reasons why Americans visit their doctors (behind upper respiratory issues). A doctor may then refer the patient to chiropractors and yoga experts in the area.
A chiropractor is a specialized doctor who can use chiropractic adjustment tools and their bare hands to adjust a patient’s bones and muscles, no incisions or drugs needed. This may relieve pressure on pinched nerves or distressed joints, and ease pressure on muscles and joints, too. This can relieve pain and restore the patient’s mobility and arcs of motion. A patient may get similar results at a yoga studio, when they perform bends, poses, and stretches.