Have you decided that this is the year that you will finally ditch your glasses and contacts? Laser surgery has become more affordable than ever. The procedure is also less invasive and has even better of results. By the time you factor in the high costs of eye exams, prescription contacts, and glasses, you can easily justify the cost of laser eye surgery. Just make sure you are doing your research and complete the following steps to ensure that vision correction surgery is right for you.
Keep up with routine eye exams
Poor vision can be caused by a lot of medical conditions. Not all of them can be corrected by vision correction surgery. You should be getting vision exams from your eye doctor at least once per year. Your eye doctor will check different parts of your vision and can inform you if you are a good candidate for laser eye surgery. In a survey of 1,000 people completed for the Glaucoma Research Foundation, about 74% of people said they have their eyes examined at least every two years. This number, however, should be at least once per year.
Schedule a consultation with a laser surgeon
The best way to understand your candidacy for laser eye surgery is to consult with a laser eye surgeon. This is their specialty and they can run the appropriate tests. They can also give you further information regarding the surgery itself, as well as give you information about the different types of eye surgery that is available. With so many different types of corrective eye surgery available, you want to be sure that you are choosing the best one for your vision needs.
Consider your payment options
In addition to choosing the right type of vision correction surgery, you also need to evaluate your payment options. Some types of corrective surgery are covered under medical insurance if it is deemed to be necessary. LASIK, however, is not often considered necessary and it usually not covered by most insurance carriers. Fortunately, many LASIK surgeons do offer payment plans, allowing you to comfortably afford the corrective surgery. About 21 million LASIK eye surgery procedures were performed in 2015 worldwide and as procedure practices are continually improved, they become even more affordable.
Understand your recovery expectations
Most LASIK surgery procedures are a very low risk and considered an outpatient procedure. However, if you have a complicated case or surgery, you might require additional recovery time. Always inquire about what you can expect so you can make necessary accommodations at home. Regardless of which type of LASIK surgery you choose, you will need someone to transport you back home. Your eyes should not be exposed to sunlight for many hours following the procedure. Make sure you have someone at home that can help with everyday needs. You also might consider taking a couple of days off of work while you heal.
Corrective vision procedures are more common than ever. In fact, it is projected that in the year 2020, 718,000 LASIK surgeries will be performed, just in the United States. If you want to get rid of your reliance on glasses and contacts, this just might be the surgery for you. You will, however, want to do your research and consult with your eye doctor. Make sure you are a good candidate for LASIK and that you are choosing the specific corrective procedure that is likely to correct your vision.