A recent report in Wired magazine indicated that this year’s flu vaccine is very effective. Given that the flu season is not yet over, there are many doctors who are recommending that their patients still get their shots if they have not already done so. Fortunately, flu vaccine distributors have also indicated that there are enough doses to keep you as healthy as possible during these winter months.
Scientists, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies work together to make sure that they have the latest flu vaccines, as well as other needed immunizations. Balancing the supply and demand that is needed from flu vaccine distributors and other necessary vaccines is not always easy, but it is important to the health of the nation.
Flu Vaccines for Seniors Play an Essential Role in the Health of Millions of People
When hospitals and other distribution centers prepare to order flu vaccines at the beginning of each year’s flu season, it can often be difficult to understand how many doses will be needed. Like other vaccines that doctors and other health clinics order, the latest flu vaccine is the result of detailed development and research. When an effective vaccine is created, there are many people who are more than thankful. Consider some of these facts and figures about the many times flu vaccines and other available medications not only keep Americans healthy, but also spark a healthy economy:
- The average child catches between six and 10 colds a year, but it is important to pay careful attention to symptoms to determine if there is a possible flu diagnosis that needs to be made.
- 22 million school days are lost annually in the United States because of the common cold, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
- Unfortunately, an estimated 19.5 million children under one year old did not receive DTP3 vaccines.
- Infected adults can pass on the flu beginning one day before symptoms develop and as many as seven days after becoming noticeably sick.
- Today, 91.9% of all children between 19 and 35 months old receive polio vaccinations.
- An average of 200,000 Americans are hospitalized each year due to flu related complications.