The 12 day trip to the south not only served as a way to visit eight different college campuses, but it also was an attempt at a more healthy lifestyle. The fact that your 16 year old daughter is a pescatarian, someone who does not eat any land or air animals but will eat fish, meant that as you travelled the nearly 2500 miles on this college visit adventure you had some rather interesting eating experiences.
You have always told your girls that when they visit a college campus they should also visit one or two places that they would likely visit, so your youngest daughter rightly insisted that she find a seafood or vegetarian restaurant near each of the schools. This led to some tasty meals for her, and a diet change for you. Although you like to eat chicken and red meat, you allowed your daughter to make the food choices. You knew that this decision would allow her to practice her skills at locating specific locations in at least eight different cities or towns. What you did not realize, and what you hated to admit, was that following her eating habits led to a more healthy lifestyle for the nearly two weeks that you were away from home.
Without eating red meat and instead eating far more vegetables than normal, you slept better and felt more energized. The fact that these campus visits, along with visiting local attractions, meant that you were walking from six to nine miles a day also meant that you were getting more exercise than normal, while you were at the same time eating a more healthy choice of food items. So while your daughter was learning more about her college choices, you were finding out the importance of living a more healthy lifestyle.
Professional Weight Loss Centers Can Help People Transition to a More Healthy Lifestyle
Weight loss clinics alone cannot always help their clients make the lifestyle changes that are needed to transform into a healthier lifestyle. In addition to losing weight for the first few months, for instance, people who successfully change their lives also make a commitment to a new attitude toward food, make the decision to exercise on a regular basis, and make other changes.
- More than one in six children and adolescents between the ages of six and 19 are considered to be obese, an indication that this is a growing concern in America.
- About 33% of children and adolescents between the ages of six and 19 are considered to be overweight or obese.
- Keeping in mind that a healthy lifestyle is a combination of eating well and exercising on a regular basis can help you make the progress that you want.
- Exercising only when it is convenient will not help you lose the weight that you want. you need to make sure that you are also exercising on the days when it is more difficult to work it into your routine.
- A definition of obesity is that you weigh at least 20% more than what is considered a normal weight for your height.
- Calorie Control Council survey results about Americans? consumption of low-cal foods and beverages, indicate that 54% of adults were on a diet in the year 2010. This was a major increase from 33% in 2004, and was the highest percentage recorded since the year 1986.
- Harvard studies show that obesity increased the risk of diabetes 20 times and substantially boosted the risk of developing high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease. Of the people who were overweight or obese, there was a direct correlation between the body mass index (BMI) and risk: the higher the BMI, the higher the likelihood of disease.
- Adults can find it increasingly difficult to make the necessary lifestyle changes needed to improve their health and weight. It is important that parents teach their children the best eating and exercise habits throughout their young lives.
- No one secret is the solution to a healthier lifestyle.
- Getting in the daily habit of eating well, exercising frequently, and resting is the biggest secret to a new healthy you.
- Estimates indicate that even losing 5% to 10% of your weight is proven to lower your chance of developing heart disease.