Many people are against testing on animals and humans when it comes to new drugs. But how do you sincerely know if a drug works or not when it hasn’t been used on humans before and has no proven results? Because we live in a world where diseases are developing that we have no cure for currently, it is a good idea to conduct clinical trials when we think we might have found all the answers. In the past, these trials are what showed us that the medicine is out there and that we have hope when it comes to certain diseases and disorders. A clinical study can be the breakthrough of a lifetime, and you could be the bearer of the best news when you say you were a part of it, and went down in history. Today we will talk about clinical drug development, what happens at various stages of a trial, and more.
The Stages of Trials and Why They Are Important
Researchers are never completely sure on what the results of a clinical trial will be, which is why it is called a trial at its source. Before a treatment becomes available to patients who need it the most, a clinical trial will hopefully give all the answers as they monitor how it works on you and the effects it might have caused. These trials are safe because you are under close watch throughout the entire “experiment.” Making the choice to become involved comes down to a very important personal decision you make based on your unique circumstances. Perhaps you want to become involved because medical research studies speak to you, or because you have a type of disease with no cure and you’re looking for all the answers as well as willing to spend your life aiding research in finding the cure.
No matter what the reason, your decision benefits many from a healthy perspective. In the Phase 1 clinical trial, researchers test the experimental drug on a group of people for the first time. The reason for a Phase 1 clinical trial? They are looking to see if there are any side effects. When the phase 1 clinical trial is complete, they move to Phase 2. In phase 2, a larger group of people are given the drug to see if the drug is effective and again, to test and see if it is as safe as it seems. In phase 3, sometimes a group of thousands of people try the drug to see if it is effective and confirm this effectiveness, as well as collect information on how the drug will be used safely on patients in the future. Phase 4 is the last step, which is when approval is gained for the new drug to hit the market. Rarely will drugs make it to FDA approval, but it is not impossible – it is just a complicated process with many safety measures in place.
Now that you understand why we have clinical trials, you may want to be a part of one. It helps to do your research and have your reasons. Your selfless help could lead to more opportunities in the future of medicine.