A basket of books.
It’s really that simple.
In a time with debates about the status of digital technology in the classroom and private versus public education, it is nice to know that it is really much easier than you may think to make certain that your child is getting every possible educational advantage. The latest research again shows that children who are read to on a regular basis will be better learners.
If you would take the time to place a basket of books in two or three different locations around your home, then you could know that you are providing a literacy encounter that will reap benefits for years to come.
Whether you are partial to that feline in the hat or that monkey with a yellow hatted friend, there are plenty of quality pieces of children’s literature that can help you connect with your child through reading. And if you want to make certain that you are indeed creating a life long reader then it is important that your children see you reading for yourself as well. Waking up in the morning with a hot cup of coffee and a good book is the perfect image to present to your child. Likewise, turning off the television and storing away all screens in the evening before going to bed allows you to set the example of reading yourself to sleep.
What Children Do Outside of the Home and Classroom Matters as Well
When it come to outside of school and the home, there are also some pretty basic things that parents can do to make sure that their children are able to be their best selves. Play. Children need to be given time to run in the great outdoors and explore with their friends. And while there are many parents who believe that taking their child to a commercial indoor playground during the cold winter months is doing enough, that needs to only be part of the equation. In fact, playing in the snow, building forts, and enjoying a clean blanket of white to disturb.
Both outdoor spaces and commercial indoor playground equipment can help children get the all important recommended amount of exercise that is needed to be their most healthy selves. In fact, the American Heart Association recommends that children over the age of two engage in at least one hour a day of moderate physical activity, and there are many ways that this can happen. From the commercial indoor playgrounds that may seem like the only options on the coldest of winter days to the school playgrounds that still allow for plenty of running and climbing. It is also important, however, to make sure that children get enough time to use these and other spaces the way that they want. Too often, we are in a position where many parents and teachers are over scheduling today’s children.
In this digital age when 66% of parents worry that their child spends too much time on electronic devices, a great story book and some open outdoor space can provide a number of benefits.