Obesity and weight-related issues have been on the rise in the United States for decades, almost reaching epidemic levels. Today over two-thirds of the adult population over the age of 20 is overweight or obese, with over one-third of U.S. adults over 20 being considered obese. Aside from the health implications of obesity, growing media attention paired with anonymous internet usage has created an intolerant community that hazes and in some cases threaten those with weight issues. This can lead to psychological trauma that can rival even the health dangers associated with obesity. While many Americans try to lose weight every year, most will abandon their diets and deviate from their routines. For those who can’t seem to naturally lose weight, liposuction may be the best bet to start your new life.
More than 11 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures were performed by board-certified dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and otolaryngologists in 2013, a 12% increase from 2012’s numbers. Thanks to new innovations and developments in the field, it has never been easier or more accepted to have some cosmetic work done. In 2013 women had 10.3 million cosmetic procedures done including breast augmentation, laser cellulite removal, abdominal liposuction, and injectable toxin. Liposuction saw a 16.3% increase from 2012 to 2013, with new laser liposuction procedures that help to absorb up to 90% more water than traditional procedures. But how much does liposuction cost? On average a liposuction treatment can cost an average of $2,791, yet customer satisfaction surveys report that 75% of lipo patients would recommend the procedure to a friend. Liposuction is not an answer, so much as a treatment to the problem of obesity. Patients are three to four times more likely to gain unwanted weight without proper diet and exercise following the procedure. So how much does liposuction cost? The real question ought to be how valuable a new lease on life is to you.