Your child is important to you, and this is why you generally can tell when something is off with them. You ask questions, they do not answer. You find drugs hiding in their room, and you’re unsure of what to do. Remember, younger people between the ages of 15 and 24 are more likely to have substance use disorders than any other age group. You know that you have to find them help, sooner rather than later but where do you go? Substance abuse treatment centers are set up throughout the area that you live in to help you seek counseling, detox and help.
Why Should You Use Rehab?
Using drug abuse rehab centers provides the drug addict with a way to overcome their addiction and get back on their feet. Through the use of the knowledgeable, trained staff; the patient can explore themselves deeper, while ridding the toxins from the drug from their systems. While, parents feel that this is something that they might be able to handle, a drug addiction is much more than letting the person sweat it out. It causes pain, heartbreak and many emotions throughout the abuser and their family.
By using a drug rehab, that experience and professional help can slowly help the family, and the user, heal together. It can help the person realize their worth, how the drug is too much and how it might eventually end up killing them if they go back to it. The substance abuse treatment centers can minimize the after-effects that come from drug abuse.
What To Look for In a Rehab?
While searching for substance abuse treatment centers, finding one that is not only affordable but also good at what they do is essential. Luxury rehabs are beautiful, provide high quality counselors and professionals, while also giving the person time to heal and work on themselves. However, insurances generally do not pay for these and they can become costly. A lot of times, they may work with you on payment plans, depending on your situation. Finding a rehab that comes with high reviews, low relapse rates and committed professionals are all beneficial keys to choosing the right substance abuse treatment centers. Currently, substance abuse has cost the health care system in Canada around $8 billion.
5 Ways to Prevent Relapses
There are ways to prevent relapses from occurring once the person has completed their inpatient rehab time.
1. Avoiding tempting, old situations where drugs were once a problem.
2. continue drug rehab support, while also obtaining support for being sober from family and friends.
3. Don’t stay idle or complacent. You should make goals for yourself and work to achieve them.
4. Start new habits, create a schedule and stay motivated.
5. Don’t view any relapses or thoughts about re-using as a failure, think of them as learning experiences and a reason to stay sober.
Through the use of high quality substance abuse treatment centers, many have found help within their walls. If you, or someone you know is abusing drugs, do not hesitate to get help, around 47,000 deaths in Canada are linked to substance abuse each year.