What is a personal trainer?
What is a personal trainer? If you’re one of the 45 million Americans who have a gym membership, this question may have crossed your mind at some point. A certified personal trainer can be many things for their clients. It is important to have a clear understanding of your own personal needs and goals to be able to find a personal trainer to fit your unique client profile.
What is a personal trainer used for?
Those looking to hire a personal trainer are in luck as the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that there are currently over 250 thousand personal trainers in the United States. All trainers must go through intensive certification programs that include CPR training. These trainers can fulfill a variety of needs based on their certification. Fitness personal trainers focus on setting goals and developing programs with their clients to get them in peak physical condition. These trainers may also serve as nutritionists for their clients if it is determined to be necessary. These personal trainers are becoming more prominent in the United States as it is estimated that nearly 25% of Americans are not physically active. A personal fitness trainer can provide the needed motivation for many to get off the couch and into the gym.
Personal trainers can also aid in the post-surgery rehabilitation process. There are over 650 muscles in the human body, all of which can suffer injury and hinder the body from functioning at peak performance. The right personal trainer will be trained in developing programs that target the weakened or injured muscles and build them back up to their maximum strength and functionality.
What is a personal trainer going to add to my workout?
Depending on the client needs and abilities, personal trainers can implement a number of new activities to your workout. Resistance, strength, and flexibility training are popular in most any workout package. For those clients with more specific needs, corrective training and triathlon training are also available. Consider your own personal needs and goals and consult a local directory to determine what is a personal trainer program that will best benefit you. To learn more, read this: www.gtfitnessconcepts.com