There’s so much going on in the current world today with the global pandemic, economic stress, and other various stressful events. Monitoring your health is important with the heightened anxiety and inability to go to the doctor’s office because of social distancing restrictions. However, there are things you can do to manage your physical and mental wellbeing while at home. Here are important aspects of health to focus on during these wild times.
Stress Management
Stress management is crucial for your health while under quarantine. Try to maintain a daily routine as much as possible. Make sure to get enough sleep each night. You should be aiming to get at least eight hours of rest. Turn off the news and reduce your exposure to social media platforms.
Find ways to help you reduce stress such as yoga, meditation, and exercise. Spending time in nature can help reduce stress and anxiety. Get outside on a regular basis and take a walk in the park or hike nature trails. It can also be helpful to journal your thoughts and emotions or reach out to a friend to chat. Make sure you set aside time every day to participate in activities you enjoy and that can help you relax.
Mental Health Assistance

Social distancing and financial stress can significantly impact your mental health. You may want to seek out unhealthy behaviors to cope, such as consuming too much alcohol or becoming dependent on pills prescribed by a pain management doctor. If you’re struggling, addiction counseling may be able to help. Speaking with a therapist can give you coping strategies and help you detox. If you’re concerned about someone who is struggling, you can contact family intervention services to request a virtual consultation for advice.
There are many mental health providers available that you can access for counseling by telephone or video conferencing if you’re under quarantine. Research online for providers in your local area. If you’re low income, you can reach out to your local government for free or low-cost community resources and programs that can assist you in monitoring your health mentally and emotionally.
Proper Nutrition
Proper nutrition is important for monitoring your health. By loading up on lean meats, vegetables, and fruit, you can increase your energy levels and even lose weight. Healthy foods boost our immune systems, fight off disease, and can boost our moods. You may have to get creative when going to the grocery store and things are out of stock because of the pandemic, but you can still find many good nutritional items to make a variety of meals. Try to make a plan of all the foods you’ll need over the course of at least five days, and list a substitute for each if it’s not available.
Have your children help you prepare meals. According to a California Department of Education study, approximately 87% of students in the fourth to eighth grade say they make some of their own snacks and meals. Show your child simple things that they can make to help them develop healthy habits long into the future. Some things kids can easily do in the kitchen include making salads, baking bread, and boiling eggs. By learning these skills, they’ll develop habits that can help them become healthy and thriving adults.
Regular Exercise

While you’re monitoring your health, it’s important to get plenty of exercise on a daily basis. Being stuck at home with all the stress that’s going on can lead to eating more, resulting in weight gain. Exercise can provide numerous physical and mental health benefits. Besides helping you lose weight, it can decrease symptoms of depression, strengthen your bones, and reduce your risk of developing chronic health conditions. Exercise can also help you sleep and think better.
There are many ways you can get a good workout while monitoring your health at home. Have some fun with the family by going for bike rides, walks, or having a dance party in your living room. Check out free online exercise videos or fitness classes to mix up your routine. Tackle some strenuous household chores such as washing the car, gardening, or mowing the lawn. You should aim to get at least two hours and 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise every week.
Dental Care
While you may not be able to physically go to the dentist, there are still things you can do to take care of your teeth at home. Proper dental care is crucial for monitoring your health. If you don’t take care of your teeth, it can lead to infections and fatal diseases. Make sure to brush your teeth and floss daily. Stay away from sugary beverages that can cause cavities. Make sure to clean and change your toothbrush on a regular basis.
If you’re in need of emergency dental treatments, you can still go to an urgent care center for medical treatment. The urgent care center has lab equipment to diagnose any infection or other serious issues that may have developed. However, treatment may be limited because they don’t have the equipment for dental procedures. You still may be able to schedule an emergency appointment with your dentist if the pain is overwhelming.
In Home Care

Elderly and disabled adults may have trouble accessing quality care during these wild times. These adults can benefit from in home care to make sure their needs are met. Home health care is an essential service that can be beneficial for keeping vulnerable adults physically active and making sure they have healthy meals and companionship. Caregivers can run errands, clean the home, prepare meals, and make sure medications are properly taken. There are many community resources available in your area that can help you find a quality caregiver.
It’s important to still keep an eye on vulnerable adults. Because they typically live alone and isolated from others, they can be susceptible to individuals that can take financial advantage of them or cause them physical harm. Be aware of any sudden changes in behavior or mood. If you suspect that your loved one may be suffering from abuse or neglect from a caregiver, you should contact a law firm for legal advice as well as making a report to authorities.
First Aid And Emergency Supply Kits
When you’re stuck at home and can’t go to the doctor’s for non-life threatening injuries, having a well-stocked first kit is important. You can choose to either purchase one at a local drugstore or custom make one of your own. Items you’ll want to have in your first aid kit include waterproof bandages, antiseptic wipes, antibacterial ointment, and pain relief medication. Other items you may want to have on hand include a thermometer, blood pressure cuff, and any special emergency medications such as an epi-pen.
It’s also a good idea to have an emergency kit prepared, especially if you live in an area where natural disasters occur frequently. You’ll want to have at least three days of water and non-perishable foods for each family member. Other items you may want to include are extra changes of clothes, flashlight, battery-powered radio, and sanitation supplies. You never know when or if a disaster will strike, so having necessary items readily available will help you survive and thrive during the emergency.
Social Connections
Everyone needs some sort of connection with others to maintain their physical and mental health. Social distancing can make it hard to have those connections. Loneliness can put a person at greater risk for physical disease than lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol, or obesity. Family members should call and check in with isolated family members on a regular basis.
There are many ways you can stay socially connected. You can use tools such as video conferencing to stay in touch with family and friends. Online gaming is a great way to have fun and meet new people all around the world. You can also sign up for online fitness classes. There are even free apps you can download on your phone or computer where you can watch movies and TV shows with your friends even though you’re far apart.
Environmental Health
Paying attention to the environment in which you live is important for monitoring your health. With the virus outbreak, many people have turned their attention to making sure their home is clean and sanitized. Surfaces that are touched on a regular basis should be wiped down and disinfected frequently. You can make cleaning easier on yourself by decluttering things you no longer need or use. While cleaning, take care of loose cords and pick up items off the floor that can cause someone to trip and fall.
It would also be a good time to do a thorough inspection of your home to repair things that could cause you harm. Check for water leaks that can create mold. Change the air filters in your heating and cooling systems. Make sure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors have fresh batteries. Consider using natural cleaners inside of chemical-based solutions.
Intellectual Wellness
You may also want to take steps in monitoring your health intellectually. Developing your intellectual health can help you achieve balance in many other areas of your life. By engaging in mentally stimulating activities, you can boost your creativity and problem-solving capabilities. You can expand your perspective about yourself and the world around you.
There are many things you can do to boost your intellectual wellness. You can read a book for fun or do crossword puzzles. While you’re stuck at home, consider spending time learning a foreign language, or learn to play a musical instrument. Play cards or board games with the family. You can also spend time journaling to express your thoughts and emotions and get a clearer understanding of them.
Getting More Sleep

Focusing on getting more sleep during these stressful times can provide you with many tremendous benefits in monitoring your health. Sleep is critical for proper immune system function as well as mental and emotional health. It can help relieve the symptoms of anxiety, stress, and depression. Sleep can also increase our energy and help us make better decisions.
To make sure you get enough sleep, make sure you wake up and go to bed at the same time each day. Give yourself plenty of time to wind down and relax before going to bed. Avoid using any electronics at least an hour before going to bed. Stay active as much as you can and avoid taking long naps during the day. If you still find that you’re having trouble sleeping, you may want to consult with a doctor.
Financial Health
Monitoring your health financially is just as important as monitoring your physical and mental health. It can help alleviate much of your current stress and help you lead a higher quality of life. Poor financial health can lead to high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and lack of sleep. It can not only affect you physically and emotionally but the rest of your family members as well.
Some things you may want to focus on with your financial health during these wild times are building up your savings and paying off debt. You may also want to double-check your insurance coverage and compare the rates of different service providers. Make a budget and sell things that you no longer need. Look for ways you can earn extra income and put that money away for retirement. If you need help taking control of your finances, you should seek help from a licensed and experienced financial advisor.
With all the stress going on in today’s society, monitoring your health is a top priority. You may not be able to control the outside world, but you can take control of what’s going on internally and how you respond. By addressing these aspects of health, you can maintain your health and wellness no matter what comes your way. You and your family will be able to live longer, happier, and more productive lives.