According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 60 percent of people in the United States simply don’t meet the standard physical activity guidelines. Most folks know you’re supposed to get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day, so why don’t more do so? One of the biggest reasons is likely one dreaded word: “work.”
But there are a number of health and wellness programs in existence that have helped people get back into shape, including some corporate-sponsored ones. It’s all about finding the right training regimen for you. Sometimes, the best ones start with a good core fitness workout, which focuses on…
Strengthening your core
Obviously, a good core fitness workout will tighten up the muscles of your core, which includes those around your trunk and pelvis. But why is this a good thing? This area is called your core for a reason — it’s a combination of muscles that work in tandem to centralize your spine and create a stronger epicenter for general physical fitness. In short, it’s the rock you can build a better body upon.
Improving your posture
It’s a complete myth that slouching only affects your appearance and has no long-term physical effects for your body. While slouching is unsightly, it also can strain the muscles in your back, causing significant pains in the spine. Additionally, slouching can sometimes lead to headaches and jaw pains because of the way the head is pushed forward. You can always do core fitness exercises to counteract these effects, though, and find a personal trainer in your area.
Flattening your stomach
Want to cut that midsection flab? Core fitness workouts are one of the most powerful tools you can utilize. By building up the muscle in the abdominal area, you cut the fat quickly and develop definition, though you may need to keep a balanced diet in order to fully see the results. No matter — whether you opt for personal fitness trainers or simple core fitness workouts you can follow along to via DVDs, the first step is dedicating yourself.
There are nearly 40 million obese Americans today. With increased talk of obesity becoming an “epidemic,” there’s a way you can take control of your life and ensure that doesn’t happen to you. It all starts with a good core fitness workout. Read more articles like this.