For centuries people have struggled with the idea of hair loss. In many cases losing one’s hair was simply a matter of recognizing it and covering it up with a hat or wig. Today however there are a number of options available for those that suffer from hair loss; unfortunately not all of these products and procedures guarantee results for everyone, so care should be taken to consult with a hair loss specialist to determine what option is best for your.
Baldness Across the Nation
In the United States there are around 35 million men that endure some level of hair loss; by the age of 35 around 66% of all men will experience some form of hair loss and by the age of 50 in fact, around 85% of all men have significantly thinning hair. Before hair loss takes effect, hair will actually continue growing around two to six years before going into a resting phase for several months and eventually falling out. A man will lose around half of the hair on their head before it becomes cosmetically visible; this means that those who face significant hair loss have already lost a majority of their hair by the time they search for treatment options. The most common reason for baldness is agndrogenetic alopecia, or common male pattern baldness which accounts for over 95% of hair loss in men; other reasons for hair loss may include stress, genetics, chemical imbalances, diets, and other odd factors.
Non-Invasive Treatment Options
There are a number of growing options for hair restoration available for individuals who suffer from embarrassing hair loss. Propecia is a prescription pill that helps to block the formation of DHT male hormones from interfering with hair follicles; patients typically see results in 12 to 18 months with studies showing a 66% success rate. Another option is the topical application of minoxidil, which is actually available without a prescription like Rogaine and similar products. In some cases, a hair loss specialist may attempt to combat baldness with steroid injections to stimulate hair follicles; this would occur in monthly treatments for several months until ideal results are achieved by the dermatologist.
Hair Transplants
While the non-invasive hair loss treatments may help some, the most guaranteed solution to hair loss is through a hair transplant clinic; keep in mind that not all hair transplants are the same. A follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS) harvests a strip of scalp from a non-balding area on the patient which is to be applied in incisions on the balding area. Many hair loss specialists advise against FUSS for a number of reasons as it is invasive, leaves a noticeable scar on the back of the head where the hair was harvested, takes a long time for recovery, and has a high complication rate. In contrast, many experts instead recommend follicular unit extraction (FUE) which takes follicles from the donor area directly to be transplanted where the patient desires more hair. FUE does not leave large scars, has a shorter recovery time than FUSS, and allows the patient to shave, trim, and style their hair as they see fit. Don’t succumb to baldness when solutions are available; contact a hair loss specialist in your area to see what options are best for you.