Every person has had to deal with unwanted bulges at one point or another. Whether the holidays or child birth have left you soft in the middle, everyone has experienced unwanted flab. No matter how many crunches you may have done, how many laps around the track you run or how clean your diet is, that stubborn belly fat and love handles just do not seem to budge. Now, a revolutionary minimally invasive procedure can help patients remove that extra little bit of fat, by freezing your fat. This lunch time procedure will freeze your fat off and get rid of it permanently.
The procedure is an amazing medical break through, and can be accomplished with an in office 60 minute treatment. The process of freeze off fat involves the application of a cold gel pack to the body parts you are looking to minimize. Then, with the application of pressure you literally freeze your fat off. When you freeze fat off, the fat cells under the skin die and are removed from your body through natural processes. The procedure is usually a one time treatment, that does not damage surrounding tissue. The results of freeze your fat are not immediate, it may take 8 weeks to a few months to fully see results.
The benefit of freeze your fat treatments is that there are no needles, no knives, relatively little pain. The procedure has no down time required, unlike surgical options that require anesthesia, sometimes overnight hospital stays and weeks of recovery time before regular activity can be resumed. Treatments can be applied to patients and they can return to their work as soon as their appointment is over. The cool packs and vacuum application are the first FDA approved process to freeze your fat and sculpt bodies. This treatment is available at many doctors offices and medispas.