Across the United States, there are people who live with disabilities that prevent them from being able to be fully mobile. As a matter of fact, recent statistics have pointed out that nearly 53 million Americans are living with a disability and that the most common disability is often associated with limited mobility. This is why more and more businesses and public facilities are installing and implementing a medical lift chair into their facility.
There are nearly 6.8 million Americans that currently utilize some form of assistive device to help aid their mobility and their movement. This may sound extreme or exaggerated but that is not at all the case. These are real stats that directly reflect how some people live their daily lives.
A 2016 HomeAdvisor’s Aging in Place report was released and it surveyed home service professionals and specifically asked them what sort of projects they are asked to be involved in. Just about 71% of these professionals state that they were hired to install grab bars, which help people with their mobility and getting around. On the other hand, just about 54% of all people said that they were hired for adding entryway wheelchair ramps.
Over the course of 11 seconds, there will be one older adult that is treated in an emergency room because they fell. This is how serious the problem of limited mobility can be for older adults. This statistics also point to why there are more and more businesses and buildings investing money in installing a medical lift chair.
Sometimes helping older adults can be tricky. This is because AARP released information revealing that just about 90% of all people who are over the age of 65 stated that they want to try and live within their home as long as they possibly can. This is incredibly dangerous because other data has pointed out that over 50% of all falls will take place at home amongst older adults.
The same HomeAdvisor’s 2016 Aging in Place report that was mentioned earlier revealed more information about the installation of grab bars and the medical lift chair. Just about 48% of all homeowners that are over the age of 55 believe that the bathroom is the number one place in their home that they want to modify and change. This is because the process of sitting down and getting up from the toilet can be tricky and difficult.
Wheelchair ramps for stairs and mobility ramps are a great way to help people who have limited mobility around their house. It will easily allow for people who need help to get the aid for mobility that they need. Installing a medical lift chair or building a handicap accessible bathroom are two of many great ways to help out older adults who need aid with being mobile.
In Conclusion
There is no question that there is going to be an increase in the request of installing a medical lift chair across the United States over the next thirty years. Medicine and technology are both working in unison to help people live longer and stay healthier as they grow older in age. These types of items and equipment are a great way to help people who need help the most and to allow them to have great mobility without worrying about falling and getting hurt.