For the perfect functioning of the human body on a daily basis, all of the different systems and organs inside the body need to work at optimum levels. Indeed, all these systems work in tandem to create the circumstances that we call good health. Any imbalance in any particular system has the potential to upset this delicate balance and leave people susceptible to a number of health problems and issues. A particularly relevant example in this case is the balance of hormones in the body. These secretions trigger important biological processes and need to be present at optimum levels to promote good health. However, for many people, hormonal imbalances in the body create quite a lot of problems. For these people, doctors often recommend a line of treatment called hormone replacement therapy.
For both men and women, a delicate balance of respective hormones serves quite a few important purposes. Over time, and due to certain situations, the levels of these hormones might drop below their requisite levels, causing unpleasant reactions and lowering the quality of life. In these circumstances, medical doctors might want to opt for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy as a solution that helps people maintain their ideal hormone levels and prevents these physiological and emotional ill effects. Hormone replacement clinics routinely administer this kind of treatment, and it helps a large number of people get back to their normal lives. However, if you are wondering whether this line of treatment is something that you need, you first need to look closely at the conditions involved and decide for yourself, with the help of a reputed medical doctor.
Hormone replacement treatment is something that can be applicable for both men and women, according to their medical circumstances. Sometimes, this treatment can be prescribed for situations that occur naturally, and at other times, as the aftermath of particular kinds of surgery. There are more than 50 different kinds of hormone replacement therapy options available currently, and the all-important question is whether you need this kind of treatment. Let us delve deeper into the subject and explore some important points.
Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women
For women, replacing hormones can be a preferred mode of treatment in two circumstances — post menopause and after having any kind of surgery which involves the removal of the uterus or the ovaries. The naturally occurring phenomenon of menopause is often the reason behind hormonal imbalances, as are surgical procedures like hysterectomy. In these situations, controlled doses of female hormones, like estrogen and progestin, can help prevent usual symptoms like dryness and hot flashes, and can even enhance the capability of the body to handle calcium, becoming a preventive measures for later issues like osteoporosis. Common forms of treatment include the cyclical HRT therapy, which mimics an usual menstrual cycle where there is a daily intake of estrogen and progestin is taken usually for a fortnight.
Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men
For men, the male hormone testosterone is known to start decreasing in level by about 1% every year after age 30. Statistics show that every four out of 10 men over 45 years of age suffer from low levels of testosterone, and this can translate into a host of health problems. In these circumstances, doctors can prescribe testosterone replacement therapy, which involves the administration of synthetic, bioidentical testosterone into the body through various means. Popular methods of administration include intramuscular testosterone injections taken every few weeks, testosterone patches which can be worn discreetly to supply a regulated dose of the hormone over time, or testosterone gel topical ointments which can be applied to various parts of the body for the desired effect.
The important factor here is to decide correctly whether you need hormone replacement therapy. There are certain risks associated with this mode of treatment, and you can learn more about those from your doctor. However, there are times when the rewards far outweigh the risks and the treatment can be pursued in relative clinical safety. The trick is to know in-depth about the treatment and what it can help you achieve, and to work closely in conjunction with your medical doctor to devise a line of treatment that can help you stay healthier and in better physical shape.