Ageing is a natural part of life, but when a person grows older, they may start experiencing some chronic health conditions that they will not like. Some of these conditions are physical, such as back pain or arthritis or osteoporosis (common among elderly women), and these physical conditions may mean that the elderly patient needs some assisted living care or may even be relocated to nursing homes. While there’s really no way to prevent such conditions, the modern medical industry and many hardworking nurses and physicians will ensure that any elderly patient’s life is as comfortable, safe, and dignified as possible. Meanwhile, other chronic conditions may include mental ones, such as dementia. In particular, many elderly Americans today have Alzheimers disease, a neurologically degenerative condition known for affecting memory and causing physical clumsiness. The good news is that nursing homes can provide around-the-clock, on-site medical care and assistance for any Alzheimer’s patient who needs it, and for those with le4ss serious cases, assisted living at home is possible.
On Ageing and Alzheimers
With modern medicine and rising standards of life, many nations today boast a high life expectancy for men and women, such as the United States and Canada, most European nations, and some Asian nations such as South Korea and Japan. Around the world, adults are living longer than ever, and the population of those aged 100 and over is small but growing rapidly. In centuries past, living that long was practically impossible. Japan leads the way, with that nation having the world’s highest life expectancy and a large population of seniors aged 100 and over. In fact, estimates say that by 2040 or 2050, one in four Japanese citizens will be aged 65 and over, and they will all need care. The United States doesn’t quite have those statistics, but overall, the American population is ageing as well.
Alzheimer’s disease is a common affliction among the elderly around the world today. Once this condition sets in, it can’t be cured or stopped, although there are ways to slow down its progress. The patient may experience memory loss and neurological breakdown, but medication and non-invasive methods alike can slow down Alzheimer’s progress and allow a patient to live independently, and for a longer period of time. Everyday actions such as having a strong social life and face-to-face conversations with friends and family, and even mental exercises such as completing jigsaw puzzles and similar logic puzzles. This is a fun, affordable, and non-invasive way to keep the patient mentally engaged and slow down Alzheimer’s progress. Today, it is believed that around one in eight Americans aged 65 and over has Alzheimer’s disease, and around the world, nearly 35.6 million people are living with dementia. Finally, it may be noted that 64% of Americans 65 years old and older in nursing homes have dementia of some sort. But these patients may enjoy on-demand care from expert staff to keep their everyday lives comfortable and dignified. Relatives of the patient may take comfort in that.
Various Alzheimers Care
If a senior citizen has a less advanced case of Alzheimer’s, he or she (67% of Alzheimer’s patients are women) may continue to live in their own residence with assisted care. Friends, family members, and nursing staff may visit for companionship, providing medication and simple medical examinations, and helping with chores and the like (laundry, cooking, pet care, garden care, etc). The patient’s house may also be made safer, with tripping hazards such as loose rugs and electrical cords cleared away. The patient may also have their bedroom relocated to the ground floor, if stairs become difficult to navigate. Meanwhile, sharp or flame-producing items should be kept in locked drawers or cabinets. If the patient goes out for a walk, they should carry a photo ID name tag with their address and contact information for contacting their caretakers.
More advanced cases of Alzheimer’s, or a case of dementia alongside some other chronic condition, probably calls for a nursing home, and friends and family may help the elderly patient find a facility that’s reasonably close and relocate there. The patient may enjoy a rich social life there with the other patients, and benefit from around-the-clock, on-demand nursing care from expert staff. Their relatives may often visit, too.