A retirement community is a housing community for active older adults. Senior apartments Rochester NY can consist of apartments in a building, townhomes or stand alone cottages. While there is no single definition for what senior apartments Rochester NY means, they will often provide amenities for their residents including recreational activities, dining areas, salon services and community centers.
Senior apartments Rochester NY have grown in popularity, and will only continue to grow. With the aging baby boomer population, by 2030 one in five Americans will be over 65. Baby boomers have been gainfully employed and enjoy spending their hard earned income. Baby boomers are estimated to be responsible for up to half of the consumer spending in the US. The senior population is will only keep growing. By 2050 there will be more than 89 million individuals aged 65 or older.
Independent adults move into senior apartments Rochester NY that allow their residents access to facilities and amenities they may not have had in a stand alone home. Jewish home Rochester offers apartments on park like grounds for seniors. They offer a variety of apartment styles as well as well appointed common areas. Senior apartments Rochester NY common areas offer residents a chance for social interaction and community involvement. Jewish senior life rochester offers attentive staff to help residents with all their needs and rates that will give peace of mind about the rising cost of living. The Rochester Jewish Home offers residents activities and a sense of community to seniors of any faith.
Senior apartments Rochester NY offer housing for independent older adults. Seniors are a mobile, vibrant and living longer than ever. Senior apartments Rochester NY offers seniors a place to live, stay active and interact within a community.
Just because someone chooses to retire, does not mean they stop working. Nearly a third of baby boomers say they will continue to work or volunteer in the community after their retirement. Seniors are involved in many political campaigns and are a great help to area non profit organizations.