There are about 922.6 visits to doctor’s offices around the United States every year. About 53.2% of those are made to primary care physician’s offices. There are a lot of young American adults who do not think they need to have regular visits with a board-certified primacy care doctor so they never bother to get one. Many young people end up getting most of their health care needs met from centers that offer emergency medical and urgent services. There are certainly times when emergency medical and urgent services centers are the best places to go, having them does replace developing a good relationship with a family medicine provider. These are some benefits to getting a primary care doctor:
- You will stay healthier longer. When you go to regular appointments with a primary care doctor, they get to know you. There are general baselines (blood pressure, weight, temperature) for everyone but every person is different. Your primary care doctor should be thought of as a “partner” in keeping you healthy. They get to know you and you get to know them. This is important in the doctor-patient relationship. As you get to know someone, you get to trust them more. When you trust them, you will be more likely to really confide in them. They can also help you with problems ranging from weight loss, help with drug and alcohol addiction, sleep disorders and troubles with anxiety and stress management.
- Primary care physicians can treat a lot of conditions. Unlike specialists, you can go to your primary care doctor for a wide array of problems that you may be experiencing. From dealing with bad back pain to helping you get over an upper respiratory infection. The most common reasons people visit emergency medical and urgent services centers are upper respiratory infections so you can spend less time in those places when you have regular appointments with a primary care physician. Your primary care doctor can also handle minor procedures such as stitches and the like.
- Your doctor is the real quarterback of your medical team. Over time, people usually end up needing the services of a medical specialist such as an orthopedist or cardiologist. Your primary care doctor’s office can coordinate all of your care between all of the medical offices you need to see. This is important for a number of reasons. Your primary care doctor knows you and what you are or are not allergic to. That means if they see you are being given a medication that will not work with you, they can prevent potential problems. They can also make sure you do not end up taking drugs that interact with each other in a bad way. They can be a great resource for specialists and can help you find doctor who will be best for you.
- Get you the regular tests everyone should get. Primary care doctors have access to advanced diagnostic and laboratory services so they can make sure you get all of the tests, from mammograms to endoscopies, colonoscopies and blood pressure screenings. They can also help you with blood tests for cholesterol or other testing as you need it. There are a number of conditions and problems that are what is called “silent.” You may not even know you have developed something like diabetes 2, until you have had the test for it. There can be some serious consequences for not treating these serious conditions that can send people to emergency medical and urgent services centers.
- You will also get in faster when you do get sick. It always takes to get an appointment with a primary care doctor’s office when you are a new patient. Once you have developed a relationship with a provider, it will be much easier for you to get in and see them when you do have a need to see your primary care doctor right away.
The family medicine doctor can help you when you are not sure if you need an emergency room. Most people in the United States do need to go to an emergency medical and urgent services center at some point in their lives. Your doctor can tell you when you need one and when you can wait.